Education is a basic human right, regardless of gender. It is unfortunate, therefore, that the female literacy rate is still much lower than their male counterparts. Even in Pakistan, the male literacy rate is significantly higher than the rate of female literacy.
In the country, boys are preferred when it comes to education at every level. Girls are often made to stay at home to help with household chores, while boys are given the right to attend school. It doesn’t help that the provision of all-boys schools is much higher than all-girls schools.
There are many benefits to promoting girl child education. Not only does it give a chance to females to boost their economic standing and welfare, but it also benefits the economy. Educated females can attain higher-paying jobs to support their families and contribute to the Pakistani economy.
Therefore, it is essential to develop more strategies to promote the education of the girl child. Females have the fundamental right to attain education, so it is our responsibility to adopt strategies to provide them this right. Here are some strategies that should be adopted at the country-wide level, for promoting education of the girl child.
Firstly, it is important to make female educational institutes accessible. In Pakistan, there is a lack of good quality all-girls schools. Especially in rural areas, schools for girls are far and few. As a result, girls do not have any chance of attending school.
The few all-girl schools that are available in rural areas are often of poor quality. Security measures are low, and infrastructure is poor. The buildings commonly lack proper classrooms, furniture, and other resources required to run a school. As a result, parents do not feel comfortable sending their daughters to school.
Therefore, when it comes to the accessibility of education for the girl child, it is important to provide secure, safe, and well-equipped schools for females.
Here is how we can make girl child education more accessible:
Along with accessibility, it is vital to raise awareness regarding the importance of girl child education. Many families do not realize the importance of educating their daughters.
In many cases, they believe that daughters will be better put to use helping around the house. Others believe that it is too expensive to send their daughters to school when they could use that time working for nominal wages. Other families believe that education will not help daughters in their marriage, so it is pointless.
Therefore, it is important to raise awareness regarding the benefits and need to educate the girl child. Families must be educated about the importance of female education before they agree to send their daughters to school.
Firstly, the economic importance of girl child education is necessary to mention. Females who are educated have a greater chance of earning higher wages that can support their families. Moreover, educated females will be able to financially support themselves.
Secondly, education is necessary for personal development. Attending school will help females learn various skills that are required for personal success.
Thirdly, female education will also be beneficial in their married life. Research shows that educated women are more likely to raise healthy children. On the other hand, there is a greater risk of infant mortality among uneducated families.
These are a few benefits of girl child education which must be addressed to locals. Here are strategies for raising awareness of female education importance:
Hence, there is a dire need to improve the education system in Pakistan to make it more inclusive for females. In addition to this, there is a great need to explain the importance of female education to families.
The strategy for promoting girl child education, therefore, must consist of a combination of awareness and accessibility. Families must understand the importance of female education. Then, they should be provided an opportunity to send their daughters to school via accessible and safe schools.
Only once these strategies are adopted will the Pakistani education system improve. This will benefit the entire country economically and socially. Above all of these benefits, females will finally be given their right to attaining knowledge and skills that will improve their lives.
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