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Healthy Digital Habits Every Student Needs

July 28, 2020 by Admin in E learning 4 min read

Healthy Digital Habits Every Student Needs

Our generation belongs to the digital age. With technology becoming a necessary part of our lives, we can benefit from it for our studies too. The digital arena opens up a new world to the students. E-learning has transformed the face of education. Many digital learning platforms are now helping students with their studies and exam preparation.

However, too much screen-time can take a huge toll not only on your health but also on your productivity. You have to induce a balance between your online and offline life. For that, you need to incorporate the so-called ‘Digital Detox’ in your lifestyle. Here are a few healthy digital habits you should adopt as a student.


Reflect on Your Digital Routine

Take a look at your daily routine. See how much time you spend on the screens, i.e., your smartphone, PC, or iPads. Assess your online-offline time. If the time you remain online on social media exceeds your offline time, you need to amend your digital habits.


Take ‘Tech Breaks’

If you are doing your exam preparation through some digital platform, you have to spend a few hours on the screen at least. Try limiting the use of other electronic devices during that time. Set your phone on ‘do not disturb’ if you are studying via PC. If you are using some self-learning app, you have to spend your study time on the phone.

You can mitigate the impact of excessive screen time by taking ‘tech breaks’. In the conventional study schedule, you take breaks every 1.5 or 2 hours. But if you are studying online, take a break after 45-50 minutes.


Keep the Electronic Devices Away at Bedtime

The blue light coming from electronic devices like TVs, tablets, laptops, and smartphones delays your body’s internal clock. It prevents the release of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. It impacts your sleep time and sleeps quality. So, avoid using any gadget before bedtime. You have to get seven to eight hours of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep to be efficient in your studies and exam preparation.


Practice Self Discipline

So, you have opened your social media account just to check notifications and spent half an hour aimlessly scrolling—that happens to the best of us. To prevent that, practice some good old self-control. Set a time and put a limit on your social media usage. Do not check the notifications unless it is time to do so.

Author: Admin

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