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Most Effective Methods for Intermediate Students

June 21, 2019 by Admin in Exam Preparation, Study 7 min read

Most Effective Methods for Intermediate Students

Board exams are right around the corner for intermediate students. Rushing to prepare, many students can feel the nerves kicking in. Although intermediate students have experience with the Pakistani boards’ standardized tests and their environment, the stress is unavoidable. It’s especially overwhelming for students who can’t figure out how to study by themselves once regular classes have concluded. Studying independently is not something every student is very familiar with, mostly because many students prefer to hire tutors or attend coaching centers. However, for intermediate students, studying independently is quite important, and they must figure out the best study methods.

Most students, throughout the academic year, ignore the importance of learning strategies and learning methods. And when their board exams draw closer, they begin to worry about their ability to study.

  • Make associations and connections to familiar concepts

    The human mind understands new things quicker if it can make connections to concepts that it is already familiar with. Similarly, relating theoretical notions with real-life examples can significantly improve retention and understanding. You can understand fresh topics quicker and more effectively if you can make connections to the concepts that you have previously covered. You can do it in science subjects too, when you learn a theory that is similar to one that you have studied in the past or if its practical application is something that you see in your daily life.


  • Study according to your learning style

    Figuring out how you learn best will make exam preparation and studying remarkably easier for you. Students have different learning styles and not all of them can study effectively through the traditional style of learning. The three basic learning styles are:

  • Complete focus

    Switch off your notifications on your phone and computer, find a quiet and calm place to study, and solve the problems that stress you out. In the modern world, we are always surrounded by things that can distract us. Build a studying environment with minimal disturbances and avoid as many distractions as you can in order to study effectively. You can improve your focus by taking regular breaks and studying in intervals instead of forcing yourself to study even when your mind is not processing anything.


  • Study groups

    Studying in a group can let you learn concepts that you might have found difficult previously. Students can discuss topics and exchange opinions, share notes, test each other, and understand different perspectives. Students can provide support to each other which is crucial for the motivation to study for the less studious students.


  • Use past papers to study

    Past exam papers can let you get a good grasp on how your exam will be formatted, which topics you should pay more attention to and the basic criteria of your education board. In order to cover as much as possible, try solving at least one past paper daily from the commencement of your academic year.


  • Practice testing

    Practice testing is one of the most important parts of exam preparation. For intermediate students, board exams have a certain pattern that they have to understand. There often is barely enough time to finish writing your answers if you haven’t practiced similar answers or haven’t improved your overall writing speed. Aside from this, you will not have enough time to calculate how much you need to write for each question. If you practice testing yourself regularly, you will not get confused during your board exam.

With the help of these study methods, you should be able to prepare for your final exams successfully. As you follow these methods, however, make sure that you do not neglect your health. Cover as much of your syllabus as possible and make sure that you have prepared to best of your abilities. Good luck!

Author: Admin

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